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Schiphol says it must be able to expand, if environmental targets are met

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

A 460,000 cap on the number of aircraft movements at Schiphol airport should be seen as a ‘necessary intermediary stage’ and new growth cannot be ruled out, the airport authority said on Thursday.

The airport, which is 100% owned by the state and local authorities, said it will accept the government-imposed limit this year and the next, but that it cannot rule out an expansion after that.

Last June, the cabinet said Schiphol had to shrink from 500,000 to 440,000 aircraft movements a year because of noise and pollution limits. However, ministers later increased this to 460,000 on a temporary basis.

Schiphol says growth could be made possible via new government guidelines which would make it clear what options there are for growth, as long as environmental targets on noise and pollution are met. These guidelines are currently being drawn up.

Schiphol’s vast network of destinations are of ‘unbelievable value to our welfare and prosperity,’ the airport authority said.

This article originally appeared on Dutch News. All rights belong to Dutch News.


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